Tournament Rules

Lei Tai Weight Classes
Lei Tai Rules
Lei Tai Equipment Requirements
General Competition Rules

In competition, the experience level of the competitor determines in which division the competitor should compete. There are three experience divisions and the more advanced divisions have higher point values.

  • Beginner Level – A competitor with less than 2 years of training in any and all styles combined.
  • Intermediate Level – A competitor with between 2 and 4 years of training in any and all styles.
  • Advanced Level – A competitor with more than 4 years of training in any and all styles.

Years of training are based on the total years of external and internal training combined.

Competitor Age

Competitor Age is based on the age at the time of competition. To compete in Lei Tai events, the competitor must be a minimum of 18 years of age. To compete in Lei Tai, the competitor must be less than 41 years of age at the time of competition.

  • Competitors MUST be entered in the same age/experience level for ALL events entered.
  • Competitors MUST compete with a different form in each event entered.
  • All short weapon events are limited to single hand straight sword or broadsword. NO EXCEPTIONS
  • All long weapon events are limited to long staff and spear. NO EXCEPTIONS
  • All other weapons MUST be placed and competed in events noted as “other” or “open” weapons events.
  • All weapons events, including 2 person sets, are intended for traditional spring steel weapons unless the event name specifically indicates that it is a Wushu event. If in the Chief Judge’s opinion the weapon being used does not meet the criteria of a traditional weapon, the Chief Judge will make a 0.05 point deduction for the final score.
  • Examples of Southern Short Hand Systems include: Southern Praying Mantis, Bak Mei, Wu Mei, and Dragon Style. Competition is NOT limited to the styles mentioned. If in the individual judge’s opinion the competitor is not exhibiting a Southern Short Hand form, the judge will make a 0.05 point deduction to the score.
  • Examples of Southern Long Hand Systems include: Choy Li Fut, Hung Ga, Hung Mei, Lee Ga, Southern Shaolin, Fu Jow Pai, Hung Fut, Tiger Crane Style, & White Crane. Competition is NOT limited to the styles mentioned. If in the individual judge’s opinion, the competitor is not exhibiting a Southern Short Hand form, the judge will make a 0.05 point deduction to the score.
  • Group Tai Ji Quan divisions must contain a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of ten (10) members per team.
  • Forms learned in China containing characteristics not consistent with traditional kung fu forms should enter the Traditional Wushu Divisions available.
  • There are NO refunds for ANY reasons.
  • The Tournament Committee Reserves the right to combine categories within the same division.
Judge’s Scoring Ranges

The following are the Judge’s Scoring Ranges for both the adult and youth forms in the various experience levels.

Youth Range

Beginner……….5.50 to 7.00
Intermediate….6.00 to 7.50
Advanced…….7.00 to 8.50

Adult Range

Beginner………..6.00 to 7.50
Intermediate……7.00 to 8.50
Advanced………8.00 to 9.50

Rating Table for Forms Competition

The following describes the criteria and point system used to judge form competitions.

Quality of Techniques (3 points)
  1. Quality of hands, legs, stance, and movement.
    Deduct a minimum of 0.05 points for each mistake. If the competitor makes the same mistake more than once, deduct no more than a total of 0.2 points for that error.
  2. Degree of difficulty
    Form difficulty should be appropriate for the skill level of the competitor (for example, a sufficiently complicated and demanding form for advanced level competitors.) Though this is a subjective area, deductions should begin at 0.05 and should not exceed 0.3 for an inappropriately simple form.
  3. Skill
    To evaluate this area, place the competitor in one of three categories: above average, average, or below average. If their performance is above average, then deduct 0.05 to 0.2 points from their total score. If they show average skill ability, then deduct from 0.2 to 0.4 points. Finally, if their performance is below average skill level, deduct from 0.4 to 0.6 points.
Strength (3 points)
  1. Smoothness of force
    Again, place the competitor’s strength level into one of the three categories: above average, average, or below average. Deduct points accordingly. Above Average 0.05 to 0.2, Average 0.2 to 0.4, Below Average 0.4 to 0.6.
  2. Balance
    Use the same categorization as in “Smoothness of force”.
  3. Coordination among hands, eyes, body, and step.
    Use the same method as in “Smoothness of force” and “Balance”.
Spirit (3 points)
  1. Spirit
    The judge can make their own decision here, and deduct from 0.05, points or greater.
  2. Rhythm
    Use the same method as in “Spirit”.
  3. Features of the Form
    Use the same method as in “Spirit” and “Rhythm” of the form.
Martial Ethics (1 point)

Ideally, the competitor should receive a full point in this category. The judge may, however, deduct points according with mistakes or violations of the following categories.

  1. Dress Worth 0.33 points
  2. Personal appearance Worth 0.33 points
  3. Courtesy Worth 0.34 points
Rating Table for Weapon Competition

The following describes the criteria and point system used to judge weapon competitions.

Quality of Techniques (3 points)
  1. Quality of hands, legs, stance, and movement.Deduct a minimum of 0.05 points for each mistake. If the competitor makes the same mistake more than once, deduct no more than a total of 0.2 points for that error.
  2. Proper Characteristics of Weapon
    1. Proper characteristic: Deduct a minimum of 0.1 points for each characteristic error; if the competitor makes the same mistake more than one time, deduct no more than 0.3 points.
    2. Degree of Difficulty: This requires the judge’s discretion. Deductions should begin at 0.05 and are no more than 0.5 for an inappropriately simple form.
  1. Skill
    To evaluate this area, place the competitor in one of three categories: above average, average, or below average. If their performance is above average, then deduct 0.05 to 0.2 points from their total score. If they show average skill ability, then deduct from 0.2 to 0.4 points. Finally, if their performance is below average skill level, deduct from 0.4 to 0.6 points.
Strength (3 points)
  1. Smoothness of force Again, place the competitor’s strength level into one of the three categories: above average, average, or below average. Deduct points accordingly. Above Average 0.05 to 0.2, Average 0.2 to 0.4, Below Average 0.4 to 0.6.
  2. Balance Use the same categorization as in “Smoothness of force”.
  3. Coordination among hands, eyes, body, and step. Use the same method as in “Smoothness of force” and “Balance”.
Spirit (3 points)
  1. Spirit The judge can make their own decision here, and deduct from 0.05 points or greater.
  2. Rhythm Use the same method as in “Spirit”.
  3. Features of the Form Use the same method as in “Spirit” and “Rhythm” of the form.
Martial Ethics (1 point)

Ideally, the competitor should receive a full point in this category. The judge may, however, deduct points according to mistakes or violations of the following categories.

  1. Dress Worth 0.33 points
  2. Personal appearance Worth 0.33 points
  3. Courtesy Worth 0.34 points
San Shou Rules (Light Contact Fighting)


      • Required EquipmentHeadgear with full face cage, mouthpiece, groin cup, foot gear which   offers full coverage from heel to toe, and safety gloves

TWKSF Sparring Gear - Head Gear with full face cage, Mouth Guard, Hand Guards, Groin Cup, Foot Gear

      • Optional Safety Equipment —Chest protector, shin pads

The World Kuo Shu Federation Sparring Chest ProtectorAcceptance of required equipment is at the sole discretion of the Center Referee and tournament staff.


Ring time: Running two (2) minutes. Time stopped only at the request of Center referee.


      • All Divisions: first competitor to score 3 points, wins.
      • Score areas: Side of head, forehead, chest, stomach, back, outside of thigh (unless leg is fully raised with intention to check the kick), and side areas.
      • One point awarded for effective hand, foot, or sweep technique. The parts of the hand eligible for scoring are the palm, knife hand, back hand, and fist. The kicks eligible for scoring are a front kick, heel kick, round kick, side kick, back kick, crescent kick, controlled kick to the upper thigh, spinning kicks, and hook kick.
      • Clear sweeps below the knees allowed. If the sweep fails, the competitor is allowed two seconds to follow up with technique.
      • Technique must have power, speed, focus, and control to be scored.
      • If both feet are out of bounds, the point is given to the competitor remaining in-bounds.


      • First personal foul: One (1) point awarded to opponent
      • Second personal foul ): Disqualification
      • No contact allowed to head or back (technique must score without contact).
      • No head butts.
      • No kicks to the inside of thigh or knee areas.
      • No techniques allowed to the eyes or groin.
      • No excessive contact or repeated blows once a point has been called.
      • No use of elbows or knees.
      • No joint locks.
      • No delayed counter strikes or kicks.
      • No throws over the hip or shoulder (only sweeps).
      • No trapping of the foot and sweeping.
      • No thigh reaping takedowns.
      • No choking.
      • No abusive language.
      • No coaching from the sidelines.

Judging Commands

      • Face me: Bow
      • Face each other: Bow (shake hands)
      • Ready position
      • Kai-Si
      • Ready judge
      • Score

Judging Signals

      • Open extended hand towards competitor – Point called.
      • Cross extended arms – Did not see or no point called.
      • Pointing to boundary – Out of bounds.
      • Fist hitting open hand – Excessive contact observed.
      • Fist to ear and point to competitor – Foul called (deduct points)


Wu Shu Competition Rules

Choice of Form:
The competitor may choose to demonstrate either the standardized compulsory form (dictated by the International Wu Shu Federation) or the competitor’s own compulsory form.

Classification of Weapons:

  1. The Long Weapon division will feature only the spear or long staff.
  2. The Short Weapon division will feature only the single hand straight sword or broadsword.
  3. The Other Weapon division will include any other weapon, including double weapons, but not, the weapons featured in either the Long Weapon or Short Weapons divisions. Therefore, the competitor may not perform a single broadsword routine in the Other Weapon division, but may demonstrate a double broadsword routine.

Requirements on Length of performance:

  1. 7 to 12 years old – 45 seconds to one minute
  2. 13 – 15 years old – minimum 1 minute
  3. Over 16 years old – minimum 1 minute
  4. These times represent the minimum length of the demonstration. Competitors who finish under these minimums will be assessed the following penalty: for each second short of the minimum, the head judge will deduct 0.05 points from the competitor’s final score.
Light Contact Weapon Fighting Rules


      • Required Equipment — Headgear with full face cage, mouthpiece, groin cup, and safety gloves

TWKSF Sparring Gear - Head Gear, Mouth Guard, Hand Gear

      • Optional Equipment — Chest protector, shin pads, footgear which offers full coverage from heel to toe

TWKSF Sparring Gear - Head Gear, Mouth Guard, Hand Gear

Weapon Specifications:

      • Core: The core part of the weapon should be soft and light, wood or synthetic plastic material.
      • Cushion: The cushion must be of sponge or foam that is light and soft.  There should be at least 1/3″ of free moving space between the core and the cushion all around in order to buffer the shock.
      • Cover: The cloth cover material made of slippery texture is required to secure the core and the cushion.  And, it should not be sandy or rough in texture, so it does not cause any abrasion when it contacts and brushes the bare skin.
      • Tip: The tips of the weapons should be cushioned at least 2 inches thick with very soft sponge, not hard foam.
      • Handle: The handle does not require any cushion.
      • Tip of the Handle: The tip of the handle must be cushioned at least 1 inch thick.
      • Guards: The guards for swords or spears must be made of soft rubber or foam, or hard sponge.
      • Tassel: Not required.  If used, only red non-metallic tassels are allowed.  If any weight is used on the tassels, only sponge weights are allowed.
      • Flexibility: All weapons should be somewhat flexible, not rigid.
      • Breakage: If your weapon breaks during a match, the judge will suspend the fight and you may change the weapon (only the same type, identical weapon).  No one is allowed to lend a weapon for safety reasons.  Therefore, each competitor should have spare weapons.
      • Damage: If any damage of a weapon occurs, both competitors should voluntarily and immmeditately stop the engagement. Continuing the fight with a damaged weapon will cause disqualification of the fighter.
      • Metal: Absolutely no metal parts allowed in the structure.
      • Weight: All weapons should be light in weight.  IF a competitor has a heavier than normally accepted ICWSF/WSF certified weapon, he/she should obtain pre-authorization from the center referee prior to competition to avoid disqualification.
      • A short weapon is defined as any weapon up to 48 inches in overall length.  A long weapon is defined as any weapon longer than 48 inches in overall length.

Acceptance of required equipment is at the sole discretion of the Center Referee and tournament staff.


      • Ring Time: running two (2) minutes.  Time stopped only at the request of the Center Referee.  If no scoring or even scores at the end of two minutes, “Quick Death” method is used to determine the winner within the next one minute.  In the event of “Quick Death”, any gain of points will immediately determine the winner.


      • 3 Points Scored for Strikes to the head and body (front and back) and/or disarming a weapon.
      • 2 Points Scored for Strikes to the arms and/or legs.
      • Score areas: Side of head, forehead, chest, stomach, back, side areaas, arms and legs.

OPTION 1 – Time Limited Competition

        • The winner is the competitor who obtains the highest score in the time allotted.

OPTION 2 – Score Limited Competition

        • The match will be awarded to the competitor reaching full score first. Full score point total (total of 10 points).


      • No kicks or strikes with the empty hand or feet are allowed.
      • No techniques allowed to the eyes or groin.
      • No excessive contact or repeated blows once point has been called.
      • Two points will be deducted if one loses a weapon.  If the fighter uses two weapons, losing one weapon will still cause a deduction of two points.  Losing both weapons will cause four points to be deducted.  When an opponent loses all weapons and becomes disarmed, the opposing fighter will have one engagement chance to win points.  After one engagement, or attempt of strike,  the referee will allow the fighters to restart with weapons in their possession.  If a fighter chose to use two weapons, and lost one weapon, the fight is not stopped until two or more judges lift flags signaling a possible successful strike.  After the fight is stopped by the referee, the fighters can recollect their weapons to continue the combat.  If both fighters lose their weapons, the referee will stop the fight and both fighters will collect their weapons to resume the fight.
      • Throwing a weapon is not allowed, and considered voluntary disarming which causes a deduction of two points.
      • Each illegal attack will receive a warning from any judge, and lose two points.
      • If the referee determines that a fighter is intentionally avoiding the engagement, he/she will lose two points.
      • Any overly disgraceful or improper behavior will receive a warning and lose two points.
      • Three warnings within a match will disqualify the fighter.
      • Using weapons that are not allowed in the match will disqualify the fighter.
      • Intentional use of a damaged weapon or armor will disqualify the fighter.


Judging Commands:

      • Face me: Bow
      • Face each other: Bow (shake hands)
      • Ready position
      • Kai-Si (Begin)
      • Ready judge
      • Score

Judging Signals:

      • Flag raised towards competitor — Point called
      • Judge touches own torso with other flag to indicate 3 points
      • Judge touches own leg with other flag to indicate 2 points
      • Judge points to floor with other flag to indicate 1 point
      • Cross extended arms — Did not see or no point called
      • Pointing to boundary — Out of bounds
      • Fist hitting open hand — Excessive contact observed
      • Fist to ear and point to competitor — Foul called (deduct point)
Full Contact Weapon Fighting Rules


      • Required Equipment — Headgear with full face cage, mouthpiece, groin cup, footgear which offers full coverage from heel to toe, and safety gloves.  Female competitors must also wear a chest protector.

TWKSF Sparring Gear - Head Gear with full face cage, Mouth Guard, Hand Gear, Groin Cup, Foot Gear which covers the heel to toe, and Female Chest Protector

      • Optional Equipment — Chest protector (for male competitors), shin pads

TWKSF Sparring Gear - Chest Protector and Shin Guards

Weapon Specifications:

      • Core: The core part of the weapon should be soft and light, wood or synthetic plastic material.
      • Cushion: The cushion must be of sponge or foam that is light and soft.  There should be at least 1/3″ of free moving space between the core and the cushion all around in order to buffer the shock.
      • Cover: The cloth cover material made of slippery texture is required to secure the core and the cushion.  And, it should not be sandy or rough in texture, so it does not cause any abrasion when it contacts and brushes the bare skin.
      • Tip: The tips of the weapons should be cushioned at least 2 inches thick with very soft sponge, not hard foam.
      • Handle: The handle does not require any cushion.
      • Tip of the Handle: The tip of the handle must be cushioned at least 1 inch thick.
      • Guards: The guards for swords or spears must be made of soft rubber or foam, or hard sponge.
      • Tassel: Not required.  If used, only red non-metallic tassels are allowed.  If any weight is used on the tassels, only sponge weights are allowed.
      • Flexibility: All weapons should be somewhat flexible, not rigid.
      • Breakage: If your weapon breaks during a match, the judge will suspend the fight and you may change the weapon (only the same type, identical weapon).  No one is allowed to lend a weapon for safety reasons.  Therefore, each competitor should have spare weapons.
      • Damage: If damage of a weapon occurs, both competitors should voluntarily and immediately stop the engagement.  Continuing the fight with a damaged weapon will cause disqualification of the fighter.
      • Metal: Absolutely no metal parts allowed in the structure.
      • Weight: All weapons should be light in weight.  IF a competitor has a heavier than normally accepted ICWSF/WSF certified weapon, he/she should obtain pre-authorization from the center referee prior to competition to avoid disqualification.
      • A short weapon is defined as any weapon up to 48 inches in overall length.  A long weapon is defined as any weapon longer than 48 inches in overall length.

Acceptance of required equipment is at the sole discretion of the Center Referee and tournament staff.


      • Ring Time: running two (2) minutes.  Time stopped only at the request of the Center Referee.


      • 3 Points Scored for weapon strikes to the head and body (front and back) and/or disarming a weapon.
      • 2 Points Scored for  weapon strikes to the arms and/or legs.
      • 1 Point Scored for a clearly executed punch or kick to a legal scoring area (head, forehead, chest, stomach, back, side areas, kick to the outside of thigh).
      • Weapon Strike Score areas: Side of head, forehead, chest, stomach, back, side areas, arms, and legs.


      • Contact to the eyes, throat, back of the head, or groin is illegal.  For female competitors, contact to the chest is also illegal.
      • No techniques allowed to the eyes or groin.
      • No excessive contact or repeated blows once point has been called.
      • Two points will be deducted if one loses a weapon.  If the fighter uses two weapons, losing one weapon will still cause a deduction of two points.  Losing both weapons will cause four points to be deducted.  When an opponent loses all weapons and becomes disarmed, the opposing fighter will have one engagement chance to win points.  After one engagement or attempt of strike, the referee will allow the fighters to restart with weapons in their possession.  If a fighter chose to use two weapons, and lost one weapon, the fight is not stopped until two or more judges lift flags signaling a possible successful strike.  After the fight is stopped by the referee, the fighters can recollect their weapons to continue the combat.  If both fighters loser their weapons, the referee will stop the fight and both fighters will collect their weapons to resume the fight.
      • Throwing a weapon is not allowed, and considered voluntary disarming which causes a deduction of two points.
      • Each illegal attack will receive a warning from any one judge, and lose two points.
      • If the referee determines that a fighter is intentionally avoiding the engagement, he/she will lose two points.
      • Any overly disgraceful or improper behavior will receive a warning and lose two points.
      • Three warnings within a match will disqualify the fighter.
      • Using weapons that are not allowed in the match will disqualify the fighter.
      • Intentional use of a damaged weapon or armor will disqualify the fighter.

Any serious foul will be grounds for immediate disqualification.  Competitors who maliciously hurt their opponents will be held liable for any damages or injuries.  The center referee has full authority to stop the fight at any time for safety or any other reason.

Judging Commands:

      • Face me: Bow
      • Face each other: Bow (shake hands)
      • Ready position
      • Kai-Si (Begin)
      • Ready judge
      • Score

Judging Signals:

      • Flag raised towards competitor — Point called.
      • Judge touches own torso with other flag to indicate 3 points.
      • Judge touches own leg with other flag to indicate 2 points.
      • Judge points to floor with other flag to indicate 1 point.
      • Cross extended arms — Did not see or no point called.
      • Pointing to boundary — Out of bounds.
      • Fist hitting open hand — Excessive contact observed.
      • Fist to ear and point to competitor — Foul called (deduct point).


Tai Ji Forms Rules

Rules specific to forms competition in the Tai Ji Style


  • Each competitor, group or 2-person set has three (3) minutes to demonstrate a form.
  • Three (3) minutes will be announced by a bell, whistle, or verbal signal.
  • If the competitor has not completed the form, he or she has thirty seconds to finish, at which time there will be another signal. Competitors MUST stop at this time (3min 30 sec).


  • Judges complete a written evaluation given to the competitor at the medal ceremony and score the competitor’s performance.
  • Judges offer verbal evaluation if time allows.


  • There is a penalty of .1 for each increment of five seconds over time. Penalty to be applied by Chief Judge prior to announcing the final score. Individual Judges will not assess a penalty for time infractions.

2-Person Set:

  • The 2-Person Barehand Set event is for two players performing choreographed empty hand (not weapons) Tai Ji Quan movements utilizing Tai Ji Quan principles.
  • Group Form must contain between 5-10 members, performing a synchronized routine.
Tai Ji Weapons Rules


  • Competitors must perform their weapon form in under 3.5 minutes.


  • Judges complete a written evaluation given to the competitor at the medal ceremony and score the competitor’s performance.
  • Judges offer verbal evaluation if time allows.


  • There is a penalty of .1 for each increment of five seconds over time. Penalty to be applied by Chief Judge prior to announcing the final score. Individual Judges will not assess a penalty for time infractions.
Limited Step Push Hands Rules


  • Push Hands events will be run for Limited Step Pushing Hands and Freestyle Pushing Hands
  • The chief evaluator/referee has full authority.

Minimum Requirements:

  • Competitors are required to attend the rules meeting prior to the competition in order to be eligible to compete.


  • Matches consist of two 90-second rounds that are continuous unless a penalty is called.


  • Competitors wear t-shirts, long pants, and shoes.
  • No jewelry (except wedding ring), watches, or fingernails longer than an eighth of an inch are allowed.

Competition Ring Space:

  • The field is an alley 4 feet wide and 10 feet long.
  • Competitors are limited to a single shuffle step at a time and may not reverse stance or change direction.


  • The judging staff consists of a referee and 3 judges.
  • No points are awarded for specific interactions.
  • Judges mark tallies during the match based on expert observation of significant exchanges.
  • Judges score competitors after each round using a five-point must system.


  • For every warning, scorekeepers deduct a point from a competitor’s score for each round.
  • Competitors will be disqualified for committing three personal or technical violations or one serious violation.
  • Coaching is not permitted during the rounds.
Free-Style Tai Ji Quan Push Hands Rules

1. Competition Site and Accompanying Facilities

  1. A circle of between 12 and 15 feet diameter should demarcate the effective competition arena. The line of demarcation should be 5 centimeters thick.
  2. All matches are conducted on an elimination basis, if there are only 3 competitors in a division, the matches are conducted on a round robin basis.

2. Competition Rules and Regulations

  1. All participants are to adhere to the principles of ‘sticking, connecting, adhering, following’, ‘overcoming force by yielding to it’, and ‘emphasizing technical finesse over force’. Thus competitors are only permitted to employ the orthodox Tai Ji techniques such as ‘ward off, rollback, press, push’, etc. that are congruent to the preceding principles mentioned to unbalance their respective opponents. No wrestling, punching, kicking, or vicious sweeping is allowed.
  2. Each match will consist of a minimum of 2 rounds. Each round spans a duration of 2 minutes, accompanied by a rest of 1 minute after each round. The winner of each round is decided by greatest number of points scored at the end of each round. A contestant who wins 2 rounds out of the 3 is the winner of the match. A third round will be issued if there’s a tie after the first two.
  3. If there is an inconclusive verdict after three (3) rounds, the referee is to declare a draw. One (1) sudden-death overtime round will be conducted for 1 minute. The winner of this round will be declared the winner of the match. If there is still no conclusive verdict after the overtime round, the competitor with the least amount of fouls will be declared the winner. If there is still no conclusive verdict, judges will counsel and deliberate with the Arbitrator and the final verdict will be declared on the effective use of Tai Ji pushing hands techniques of the contestants. The Chief Judge’s decision is final.
  4. Upon entering the arena center, both parties are to cling their left palm lightly onto the right elbows of the respective parties, and their right forearm against each other near the wrist. Maintaining contact between upper limbs of both opponents throughout each round is a prerequisite to attacking or counterattacking.
  5. The release of strength must only be executed while contact with the body of the respective opponent is established. It is strictly prohibited to release strength through the employment of fists or the palm from a distance.
  6. If there is an injury to a competitor, up to five minutes injury time-out will be allowed. If the injured party cannot continue after the injury, the the other competitor will be declared the winner. Please note that a competitor will not be declared the winner if the injury was caused by an intentional foul (see Section 4.16).
  7. Free-Style Pushing Hands event is for Advanced Tai Ji Quan practitioners only.

3. Scoring Criteria

  1. Points are awarded to the party who successfully renders the respective opponent unstable and staggered, semi-unbalanced, and/or fully unbalanced either inside or outside the circular competition boundary. This unbalancing of the opponent must progress from a Tai Ji Quan technique. Muscular pushing and shoving will not be counted towards a contestant’s score.

The following points will be awarded:

  • 1 point: Off balance from a Tai Ji Quan technique
  • 2 points: Discharge outside of the circle.
  • 2 points: Off balance with a hand/knee touching the floor inside the circle.
  • 3 points: Discharge outside of the circle with off-balance hand/knee touching the floor.

2. When a foul is committed amidst unbalancing an opponent, no points will be awarded. Points may deducted from the competitor committing the foul. 3. Scoring Notes:

  • No point is awarded upon utter disregard for technique and blatant use of flagrant strength or employment of grappling, grasping to render an opponent out-of-bounds.
  • No point is awarded to the degeneration of the contest into a grappling or shoving match by both parties.
  • No point is awarded if a contestant pulls or drags an opponent to the ground while falling.
  • Any competitors who do not use valid Tai Ji Quan principles can be eliminated from the event.

4. Fouls and Ensuing Penalties

  1. Surprise attacks or attacks launched without the establishment of prior contact with opponent.
  2. No attacks above the shoulder or below the waist are allowed.
  3. The employment of fingers or other similar extremities located on the upper arm to poke, jab or stab any body part of the opponent.
  4. The employment of feet to tread or hook any body part of the opponent.
  5. The employment of palms to choke or to push the opponent’s neck or chin region.
  6. Hugging of the opponent’s back, reaching under the opponent’s armpit or over the side waist for more than three seconds.
  7. Clutching, grabbing, or pulling of clothes.
  8. Stirring up or lifting up the clothes of the opponent to induce bodily contact in a sweeping movement so as to provoke and aggravate the opponent.
  9. Clutching or grabbing the feet and legs of the opponent.
  10. Upon successful employment of the plucking technique, the participant must release the hold immediately after the technique is executed.
  11. Spitting and biting are strictly prohibited.
  12. No brutish employment of grappling, wrestling is condoned. Grappling or wrestling is deem to have occurred when an arm or both arms are outstretched from the body rendering the contestant capable of hugging.
  13. Whenever an arm of a contestant is located beneath the armpit of the opponent for more than three (3) seconds and is rendered incapable of executing a valid Tai Ji Quan technique, the contestant would be issued a warning.
  14. At the start of competition, the palm/wrist of the contestant is only permitted to establish contact with the region spanning from the elbow to the fingertips of the forearm of the opponent in order to ensure strict adherence to the principles of ‘sticking, connecting, adhering, following’.
  15. Do not lean the shoulders, head, or neck against the opponent.
  16. Flagrant disdain and disregard for techniques adhering to the principles and employment of illegal techniques will result in immediate disqualification and a suspension from the tournament event.
  17. The continuation of avoiding contact with the opponent for more than ten (10) seconds will result in a warning (1 point deduction after the 2nd warning).

Foul Notes:

    • Verbal warning, no point will be deducted; 2nd warning, 1 point will be deducted.
    • Foul, 1 point will be deducted, three fouls will lead to an automatic disqualification.
    • Committing a serious foul act may result in immediate disqualification.
    • In any match, the Chief Judge may declare the winner by prominent advantage when one party has outscored the other party by more than 15 points.
    • In any match, the Chief Judge may declare the loser when 6 points have been deducted from a contestant due to warnings/fouls.

5. By-Laws

  1. In the event of any disagreement about the proceedings or verdict of the competition, the captain of the appealing team is to produce in writing an appeal document and pay a deposit of US $300 within the 30 minutes of cessation of the respective match. For the final match, the time limit for appeal is reduced to 15 minutes. The appeal will be referred to the Arbitrator by the respective match referee. Should the appeal be deemed successful, the respective team will be refunded the US $300. However, no refunds will be awarded for unsuccessful apeals. The Arbitrator’s decision is final.
  2. This statute has been vetted and deemed effective by the technical committee. Should there be additions, deletions, ammendments, revisions; the effectiveness of the statute is still irrevocable.
  3. Competitors who maliciously hurt their opponents will be held liable for any damages or injuries.


Xing Yi Quan Rules (Empty Hand and Weapons)

Xing Yi Quan Principles:

  • Coordination in expression of the body in unison and movement.
  • A sense of fully gathered internal energy without displaying external stiffness.
  • Each movement must have intention with the mind to control movement and energy.
  • The energy and techniques are accelerated toward and beyond an imaginary target.
  • Usage of standard Xing Yi Quan principles (San Ti, 5 Elements, 12 Animals, etc.)


  • Minimum Time – 30 seconds
  • Maximum Time – 2 minutes 30 seconds


  • Competitors are scored on the effective demonstration of Xing Yi Quan principles.

Judging Criteria:

  • Knowledge of basic empty hand and/or weapons applications are demonstrated.
  • Correct postures and stances are evident.
  • Hands and feet are coordinated.
  • All movements are in balance while moving forward and backward.
  • Body, footwork, weight shift are coordinated with movements.
  • Blocking and Striking have smoothness and a sense of internal power.
  • Internal martial spirit and freedom of the expression are evident.
  • Choreography and overall expression with Xing Yi characteristics are clearly demonstrated.


  • There is a penalty of 0.1 points for each increment of five seconds under time. Penalty to be applied by Chief Judge prior to announcing the final score.
  • Individual judges will not assess a penalty for time infractions.
Ba Qua Zhang Forms Rules (Empty Hand and Weapons)

Ba Qua Zhang Principles:

  • Primary use of the palm instead of the fist is demonstrated.
  • Walking the circle, turning and changing positions, forward, backward are utilized.
  • Striking and evading are done in circular and straight movements.
  • Turning and changing direction are done with a hook step (kou bu) and swing step (ba bu).
  • Changing steps with piercing, inserting, and changing palms is demonstrated.
  • Posture is extended with hardness and softness combined.</>
  • Body is filled with internal energy.
  • Every change and transformation is executed with agility and quickness.
  • The circular turning power is like the power of a fierce tornado.


  • Minimum Time – 1 minute
  • Maximum Time – 2 minutes 30 seconds


  • Competitors are scored on the effective demonstration of Ba Qua Zhan principles.

Judging Criteria:

  • Knowledge of basic empty hand or weapons applications is evident.
  • Correct postures and stances are demonstrated.
  • Movement of hands and feet are coordinated.</>
  • All movements are in balance while moving forward and backward.
  • Body, footwork, weight shift are coordinated with movements.
  • Blocking and Striking have smoothness and a sense of internal power.
  • Internal martial spirit and freedom of the expression are evident.
  • Choreography and overall expression with Ba Qua characteristics are demonstrated.


  • There is a penalty of 0.1 points for each increment of five seconds under. Penalty to be applied by the Chief Judge prior to announcing the final score.
  • Individual Judges will not assess a penalty for time infractions.
Chi Sao Rules


  • Competitor will wear colored sashes (white and red).

Skill Divisions:

  • If enough competitors are present, the events will be separated by skill levels. Otherwise, divisions will be combined by the tournament staff.
    • Intermediate (INT) – less than three and a half (3.5) years experience
    • Advanced (ADV) – over three and a half (3.5)years experience


  • Three rounds of 1 minute (running time) with 30-second breaks between rounds.
  • Winner must win two (2) rounds.
  • If one competitor wins first two (2) rounds, the match is over.

Required Equipment:

  • All competitors must provide their own headgear (face mask optional)
  • All competitors are required to provide their own mouth guard and groin protector

TWKSF Sparring Gear - Head Gear with full face cage, Mouth guard, Groin Cup

Optional Equipment:

  • All competitors may provide their own chest protector

The World Kuo Shu Federation Sparring Chest Protector

Weight Classes:

Weights are divided into male and female categories.

Category Male Female
Light Under 65kg (145.2lbs) Under 55kg (121.3lbs)
Welter Under 75kg (165.3lbs) Under 64kg (141.1lbs)
Middle Under (85kg (187.4lbs) Under 73kg (160.9lbs)
Heavy Over 85kg (187.5lbs) Over 73kg (161lbs)

Permitted Techniques and Scoring:

  • Only clear techniques will score.
  • Competitors can withdraw their hands to attack or neutralize an attack for no more than one (1) second. After one (1) second, the competitors will be restarted from the spot where they separated.
  • Strikes are permitted throughout the area between the shoulders and the hips (front and back), but strikes to the spine are not permitted.
  • Attacking the head is limited to the use of the front section of the palm to strike the forehead and both cheeks; it is prohibited to use the fist, root of the palm, and finger tips.
  • Head Contact MUST be light contact. Excessive force is not a Chi Sao characteristic.
  • Competitors are allowed to catch or sweep with the legs as long as they do not hit with them.
  • Elbow techniques can be used in defense, but not for attacking.
  • Scoring:
    • Strike to Torso – 1 to 2 points
    • Sweep of Legs – 3 points
    • Palm Strike to Head (ADV only) – 3 points
    • Trapping (Loop-Sao) of Hands – 4 points

Prohibited Techniques and Fouls:

The referee may warn competitors before issuing a penalty.

  • Excessive force in head contact is illegal.
  • Strikes to the spine are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate disqualification.
  • Competitors may not trap with any part of the body other than the hands.
  • Strikes using the heel of the palm or fingertips are not permitted.
  • Strikes with the knee or foot are not permitted.
  • Competitors may not strike with the elbows.
  • It is forbidden to strike both eyes, both ears, mouth, nose, temples, back of the head, throat, and neck. It is forbidden to strike in areas of the neck and below the hip (genitals, legs, etc.).
  • Use of a damaging action intended to hurt the opponent is illegal.
  • Any competitor who receives six (6) penalty points is immediately disqualified.
  • The Referee may issue immediate disqualification to any competitor if he/she feels the competitor is intentionally attacking with the intent on causing injury or a rules infraction is deemed serious.
  • The center referee has full authority.
  • Each formal penalty (publicly issued by a referee) carries a one (1) point penalty based on the schedule below:
    • Strikes with fists, elbows or grabbing the Face
      • 1st offense – 1 point penalty
      • 2nd offense – 2 point penalty
      • 3rd offense – disqualification
    • Strikes with elbows or grappling to the Torso
      • 1st offense – 1 point penalty
      • 2nd offense – 2 point penalty
      • 3rd offense – disqualification
    • Kicks to any area
      • 1st offense – 1 point penalty
      • 2nd offense – 2 point penalty
      • 3rd offense – disqualification
    • Competitors cannot advance by causing an injury from which the injured cannot continue. Injured competitors must have approval from the medical staff and tournament staff to continue in the competition.
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Rules


  • Although several styles of martial arts use the apparatus known as the Wooden Dummy or (Mook), this competition is intended to display the concepts and techniques of Traditional Wing Chun.
  • Competition for this event will be evaluated by three (3) scoring judges.

Skill Divisions:

  • If enough competitors are present, the events will be separated by skill levels. Otherwise, divisions will be combined by the tournament staff.


  • Intermediate (INT) competitors must complete their competition in 2 minutes.
  • Advanced (ADV) competitors must complete their competition in 2 minutes and 30 seconds (2.5 min).
  • The Scorer’s table will signal with a bell when 15 seconds remain before exceeding the allowable time.
  • Where the divisions are combined, the competitor will not receive a time penalty for finishing within 2 minutes, but will received a time penalty for exceeding the maximum time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds (2.5 min.).

Judging Criteria:

  • Judges will be looking for the application of Traditional Wing Chun attributes on the Wooden Dummy including but not limited to:
    • Structure during execution of techniques.
    • Appropriate generation of power.
    • Suitable rhythm when executing sequences.
  • The Chief Judge will take a 0.1 point deduction from the final score for exceeding the maximum time limit.
  • Intermediate competitors shall perform the first 4 sections of the Wooden Dummy Form.
  • Advanced competitors shall perform the complete set.
Tournament Awards

The World Kuo Shu Federation Tournament Awards consist of team trophies and individual competitor medals and certificates. Tournament Awards deals with rules regarding the awarding of certificates, medals, and team trophies.

In 2018, Senior Grandmaster Richard Lee announced that The Team Grand Champion will win The Huang, Chien-Liang Cup. The Huang, Chien-Liang Cup is named in honor of the TWKSF Founder and Chairman. It represents the recognition of a lifetime of promoting Chinese Martial Arts excellence around the world. This prestigious award was first given at the 6th TWKSF World Kuo Shu Championship Tournament, and will be the team award given at all future TWKSF World Tournaments.

The following is the Team Trophy Points Scale (for Lei Tai):

  • 1st place – 7 points
  • 2nd place – 5 points
  • 3rd place – 3 points
  • 4th place – 2 point

The following is the Team Trophy Points Scale (for Forms and Weapons Adult and Youth Advanced Divisions):

  • 1st place – 5 points
  • 2nd place – 3 points
  • 3rd place – 2 points
  • 4th place – 1 point

Individual medals are awarded as follows:

  • 1st through 4th place winners will be awarded a medal
  • Children’s divisions will also be awarded medals for 5th through 8th place.
  • In most advanced adult divisions, 1st through 4th place will also be awarded a certificate. Please pick up your certificate in the designated area (specific to each tournament).

A team trophy will be awarded for 1st through 3rd place in Lei Tai fighting and in advanced Youth/Adult, Form/Weapons divisions.

For a division to qualify, it must contain competitors from three separate schools.

The tournament committee reserves the right to combine or divide categories at any time.The schedule may change without prior notice.

Contact information for The World Kuo Shu Federation:

The World Kuo Shu Federation
P. O.  Box 927
Reisterstown, Maryland 21136-0927

Tel: 443.394.9200

Fax: 443.394.9202

The World Kuo Shu Federation

The World Kuo Shu Federation P. O. Box 927 Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 USA

© 2019 twksf

Tel: 443.394.9200 Fax: 443.394.9202