Referee Certification
International Referee Training (IRT) is a comprehensive, multiple session certification course held online and/or in-person. The course covers the rules and regulations for Lei Tai fighting, Taijiquan push hands, and light contact sparring, as well as internal and external forms and weapons competition regulations and judging. Besides covering the rules for the various contact and forms competitions, the commands and hand signals, ring administration activities, and injury rescue for each category will be presented. At week’s end, students must pass a compulsory written examination, a selected question written examination, and a practical demonstration of required skills.
Upcoming and previous IRT courses:
2022 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
2017 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
2015 IRT (Held in Mendoza, Argentina).
2014 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
2012 IRT (Held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
2011 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
2010 IRT (Held in Krakow, Poland).
2009 IRT (Held in Ulm, Germany).
2008 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
2006 IRT (Held in Singapore in November 2006).
2006 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA in July 2006).
2004 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
2003 IRT (Held in Sao Paolo, Brazil).
2002 IRT (Held in Hunt Valley, MD, USA).
A shorter one-day National Judges Certification Course (NJCC) is also offered for those attending the USKSF International Kuo Shu Championship Tournament, held annually in Rockville, Maryland, USA. NJCC is offered on an annual basis. This course covers judging internal and external forms and weapon competitions, light contact sparring, and pushing hands competition. It does not include instruction or practice in judging lei tai or shuai jiao events and does not qualify the user for TWKSF International Referee certification.
Existing Referees:
Existing referees (those who have already taken and passed IRT) can access the TWKSF Referee On-Line Training Portal HERE
The World Kuo Shu Federation
The World Kuo Shu Federation P. O. Box 927 Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 USA
© 2019 twksf
Tel: 443.394.9200 Fax: 443.394.9202